Archives for Termite damage

What Is Timbor?

Tim-Bor (or simply called Timbor) is a borate based termite control product manufactured by Nisus Corporation that contains a naturally occurring chemical called disodium octaborate tetrahydrate. This ingredient is derived from boron-containing mineral deposits. Since boron is a critical element that contributes to the health of many types of living organisms, it can also be safely used in many other types of products such as fertilizers, detergents, medicine, and glass.
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Home termite inspections

Termite inspections are often required in order to secure funding to purchase a home (especially older ones). But they are always a good idea whether it’s required or not. The risk of termite damage to wooden structures is higher for older houses; that is why older premises are more in need of inspections. Here’s what you may want to know concerning the process of most home termite inspections that are carried out by pest control companies.
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The signs of termites

One of the most common questions people usually ask is what are the signs of termites? Understandably, early termite detection is vital if you want to prevent large scale damage to your home, of which a large colony is capable of accomplishing – in a few months. But if the colony is small, or if they are first starting out, it may be very difficult to detect their presence without the use of expensive acoustic or infrared equipment to probe the soil beneath the house.
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Termite damage photos

In continuing from our recent post on termite damage here are more photos so you can see how termite damage looks like. These termite damages are all Coptotermes gestroi inflicted, and the damage extended to dozens of houses in one area of about 5 hectares (or more than 12 acres). Since all the houses were close by or interlinked, the termites (which probably comprised a few colonies altogether), ran rampant and caused a lot of damage. The damage was so severe that many of the houses could not be salvaged, with a huge drop in their market value.
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Termite damage

Termite damage is normally caused by destructive termite species. These destructive species are mainly of the drywood and subterranean termites. Coptotermes species probably ranks the highest amongst those termites capable of the most damage. In general, species from the families Kalotermitinae (drywood termites), and Rhinotermitinae (subterranean termites), are responsible for perhaps 80-90% of all termite damage worldwide, with Rhinotermitinae accounting for almost all the cases.
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Termite nest architecture

Termites are well known for their nest building activities, since they can be considered the premier architects in the animal kingdom. Nests can be above ground, on the ground, underground, or inside wood. Besides nest construction, termites tunnel and burrow extensively, so they contribute a lot to soil aeration and fertilization. In the tropics, termites play a major role in this regard (besides that of earthworms and ants). Termite subterranean tunnels can extend dozens of meters.
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